1933-1934 Yearbook

J>E-TIT JEAN We are Glad to Welcome YO LI to the Best Town in Arka nsas • SEARCY ICE {1 COAL CO. " I n Business for Your Comfort" Phone 555 SEARCY. ARK. MILLAR- KING M OTOR CO. Dodge- Pl ymouth • SUPER-SERVICE GARAGE Rah Rah Harding SEARCY. ARKANSAS M eet Yo ur F ri ends At Robertson's III III I I I I I I I I I ·!·I·!· .:. " W here Most People Trade" APRIL CALENDAR • I - A . O . Gardner speaks Sund.1 Y mo rning. 2- High schoo l s tudents have .llld"y o uting on Petit Jean . 3- T . N. T .'s continue to spon so r tennis tournament. 6 - 7- Arkansas College Press Association mects at I-Luding . W . J . Lemke is principal speahr. B- J. G . Reese begins meetin g .11 C o nwa y. 12- Dr. J. M. Williams of Hendrix spe.lks at chJPt' \ I ,-Ju n ior-Seni o r Banquet is given ,l( Co lleg(' Club . 14- Gi rl s Social Clubs meet. 15- 0tto Starnes of Dallas visits old friends . 16- Arkansas Tech defeats Harding he re 8 - " 17-" Thc Mysterious Mrs. Updike . -, J work -shop play is presented. IS- Canines leave campu~ hurriedl y. 23 - 0uJ.chita wins a 9 - 4 game at Mo rrilton . 24-" Pinafore." ,1 light opera . is given as fo urth lyceum number. 26- H.uding defeats Slate Teachers here. 4 - 2. 27-"The Quest . " a three -act play . is presented . Ju Go Jus give farewell lea fo r Beth Beers. 29- Jesse P . Sewell begins week of lectures . 10- Beth Beers le.lVcs for San Antoni o. Slate Teachers lose to Harding at Conw:lY . Score 4 - 2 . BLACK'S FURNITURE COMPANY W elcom es Harding College to Searcy . Arkansas