1933-1934 Yearbook

J>E-TIT JEAN DRAMATI C C LUB L . C. SEARS Presiden t W OODSON H ARDING A RMSTRONG I . C. SE/\RS AUU; RT H AWKINS DONA P URSU " V . V. KNI S1' Ll:Y, J R. ROBI-'RT BOYD MRS . ERMINE H . COl [MAN MRS. FLORI NCI', M CtHHC,\R' [ W OODSON H ARDING A RMSTRONG Director D,rect or PresIden t \ ' In>· President S ('c(l.'tar u 7reasurer Hep ort e( M ClRI.' -up A r/l sf Mi ~ lress of Wurdrobe Amo ng t he o ut s tan d in g clubs in I-lardin g. the Drama ti c C lub p ro babl y rank s amo ng the hi ghest. furni shin g bo th entertainment and exce ll ent t ra ining in d ramat ics . As has bee n rhe cuSWrn fo r the past few yea rs. the cl ub p resen ted it s reg ul ar lyceum course thi s seaso n, besides the vari o us studen t work -shop p la y p rese ntati o ns. Included in the seaso n 's successf ul pla ys were two o U[s randing preSC nlJ li o ns. "Gree n Stockin gs," an Engli sh comed y. was the firs t o uts ta nd in g hit of the season . A no tewo rth y characteri sti c o f thi s pl a y was the fac t tha t it featured a nali ve of Eng land in o ne o f the ma jor ro les. Then came the mOllnla in comed y. " Moonshin e and Ho neys uckl es." featuring unique s tage a nd so und e{fens. It was acclaimed by an apprec ia tive a udi ence to be even a greater success than the fo rmer . Agai n the Ca mpus Pla ye rs rece ived a g rea t ho no r in tha t their President. Dea n L. C . Sea rs. was re· eJec red pres ide nt o f the Ark a nsas L ittl e Theatre Asso cia t ion thi s yea r . 4