PE-TIT JEAN STUDE T PREACHERS GRr\H.\~1 R I .\RISH !l Ul,III-~ PAlO,:>. L. R L'CI\~IAN P"H\II'S J. ANDI'R501'\' FRA..,lIh\RS KINNIN(JIIA~I CrAPP WIIITTI·N C. ~con 13 1\ L I·.~ W . W , PAC! R. R UC"~IAI\' L . JOHNSON DAR\\'J~ 0:0RRIS III ,-\'I,S II PII'RCI BA \\'CO:'.! P/\ II DURnA:"'C!- S \lII 11 YOUNl; RII'~! CO l ]-\IAN I.I ·MI\ \ONS Sn'\VAln J. JO/INSON C. ' I Itl 1','"[ OW}'NS BtJRKI 01 H OI I MilL" UPH)1\ Preachers need preparation for thei r chose n wo rk . Jes us in Hi s wo r\.. with the Apos tles gave the li ving exa mpl e o f thi s. Not o nl y has He furni shed the exampl e, but He has provided Ihe vc ry instr uct ion with which all teachers o f the W o rd mllst be fill ed in o rder to be completel y f urni shed unt o every good wo rk. Each s lI (cel'ding generation has it s burden o f givi ng tes limo n y to the truth . God has laid thi s o bligati on upon the Church . The Church is no t bound to conve rt al l. but it dare nOI fail to preach Jesus to the people, a ll the people o f all rhc world. Jeslis sa id . "Go (each a ll nat:ons." 3 4