1932-1933 Yearbook

ALLEN. Forward HAWKINS, Guard LITTLE ROCK .JUNIOR COLLEGE GAME T\Io'o ni"hlll Inte r , Bprryhill t()ok hiM bO}'$ t o I. ill ie Il(Wk (or Ihe $('('ond gllllW of their S.. rif'1I with lhp ,'unior College, Worn nllt hilt f ull ()( fi ~ h t, the lIiMon~ eked Ollt n 30 to ~~ ,·i Clory, '1'1... Jn nl e Wail lIip alld turk all the WMY, Ha r din!: ht'ld a t\lo'O-I)oillt Ipad at the h"lI. Rerryhill and lIell ~('ored 10 "lid 9 rt'811t'('th't'I), Coach 81arted Mdtt»uol d ll aI <'en tf' r , but ht! WIIM 1100'\ fon'et l l u r1'li r f', C'llrrol1 substituted for h im lind Illayed a ni('(' galllf', SECOND lIENDRIX COLLEGE GAME \(t .. r n (nllr li llY r .. III, Ihe lI arrli n,l: fi,'e roN Il elll lri x on tli(' h01l1l' tlunr IInti pluyNI improv('d Imll ""I'r 11111 piny o f IIi('i r fi r lll ll1"eting" 'I'he War r ion Willi, ,~8 III 3 1, hilt not without a tight, 'I'h(' fir,t ('It' '(,1l minutf'1I w('re 1l1(1)"ed on e\'t'n U'rms, Ihell IINulrix wenl 011 a spree alld held a 33 to II lelld lit the hall, CI\I>ll\in Uf'rr)hill rallied Ilia for("f'II, and the 8eoring ill the lIet' olid h n lf WMIT ~5 10 2:1 with Hendrix luwinK th .. 2 1I0int mnrglll. l l offl\u 8rort-1I 15 for high ])oillt hOIl.)rII, Bt'JJ "·tl IIii' '01'11)" for Ihp Jo('ul8 witll 12 , For the (irlll tillle I' III'rr~hill '01'118 held to I('NM thl\n If) Iminhl, Nt"lIrill/r Ililt 9" ( DURRANCE , Gua rd BROWN. Guard ARKANSAS COLLEGE GAME ,\fIN trtl iliug unti l the 111111 (ou r minlll('11 or plar, II H~ fightinK BitwIIs ell me hark IIlfong III.d IHllI llI'd ov('r .\rkIlIlI>!18 C01l;·gt· 5!) In 52 in II thrillill!C l'Unlt'lI 1 on the home fJnor, Tlw I'nnthcn jUIIIJ)I'd illto nn Nitty I...ul nlltl IOllked lik,' they Wt'rl' nol 10 be h(>Aded, lendiul:" Mt the hlllf, a5 to ~a, Tht'n, 100, the l1i80nll IOllt BrAdler ill the earl) minut€'8 of Illay by a Ihoulder i11JUry that kept him out (or the r(>lIIainder of the 1I('880U, Cnr roJl look his Illace IIlId fi1lNI it '01',,11. Mdleyn - old~ and P. l1€'rryhill Wf'r(' lIarding '/t M hillin~ li,l:hlfl with 22 111\11 19 poinlM refl llel' l i,'pl )", SECOND ARKANSAS COLLEGE GAME A IrllKedy hrOlI/rht the ,l:"lIm(' al .\rknll llllll Col - lege to A halt n(H'r two minllt('11 of th" 11O'('ond half, Rmil h, .o\rkIl1l8!18 forwnrd, droJlpNI to I II(' floo r li nd di ed erlroutc 10 Ih;! h()M1)itll\. J)0l'tor8 gllV., Ih n I'tllllle 118 h.'n r ! trlluh lp, T he ItiHOlI1I w('rl' lendiu!:" when Ih(' .it/line W:III Imlt('d, 21 10 t I. I,ed hy 0('11, the boyll took 1111 ('srly lead find had I!o 21 to 9 ad\"lInlll/rf' Ilt Ih(' half _ SECOND COLLEGE OF THE OZARKS GAME With Ca rroll f illinK Ihe /:lIl) I('ft by the 10111 or Hradley, the Ui/tolls turned blH"k Ih.· .Mllunlninf"'r hU'II.i" n I9 to 43, Clirru1l'I dl' fen /l h 'p wOrk W:III fine lind his floor work lefl lilllo' til he dellired , All IIIIIIA) I~" Berryhill turned in I.i ll hrilliant per rOrlllnll('(> and wnll hi/rh !it'oro'r with 17 l)(Iinlll, B",11 III~o ]l11I~"('{) ,. goofl /rAmI', J!11(lwin~ ]111"1113" "r til\"ht IInri 1'lI lI lItill.lt 10 1)(lillll<"