1932-1933 Yearbook

BI'LL, Forward McRI-YNOI DS, Forward B, BERRYlIILL,Guard BRADL I-Y, Guard SPOKANE MOUNTAI NEER GAMES III 1\\'0 Ilre'lIl'rlMOn II:ll. mt's !llt' l\i!u'lI~ "lIsil), d. '- (e:llt'd Ihe 8po"nl1e Mounll\ilH'I'r~, II '\Ii~'1i1l1ri semipro 1t'lIm, 'I'hl' BI'rr)hillite~ took .'llrly leads in hoth ('onle!\1 and Wl'rl' IW\'er o\-erlll].;('(\, "1t·Hernold 1('11 tht' Ibardinlt 11111\('" in Ihe fir~1 (01H'Ounh'r with II'n ri f·ld !;mlll! and four fr('e throwlI, Bdl sror,'d () lind fj tto I"ad Ih., way in Ihe •..,('ond of Ih(> IIt'rirs, p, Brrryhill srored :!O IliIinllll in earh glllll(', FORT SMITl-I .TUNIOR COLLEGE GAME Il lIrdll1/o: t11)(>IlNI illl r(';::ulnr ('ollt·'.'e S,'flI'IO I1 away rrum huml', rl'lurnillJ,:' with the "ho rt (lnd IIf tilt' ~('(Jr('. 'I'h,' fint half wali 1)11l)('(1 on (,\'.'11 lermll, ,·n tlillit in fI :!6 10 :!6 lil'. KITh- in 11i(' >If'I'ond half C:1pt!lin I ~_ Ilf·rr)·hill lind M"lt~ynill(hI Wt'rl' ror('e.\ 10 rl·tirl' tin ftllll~, lind tlw ,Junior Coll(lJ:iall~ Il eglUl to pull IIwny. 1', UNryhill MI'(l r('tI HI 111111 '\Idleyn· old l:i. WIIUWrtl /o:iallt "'ort ~lIIith ('('nll'r, ('ounlt'd :! I 1)(Jinl ll. SUBIACO COL1.EGE GAME '[' lie (irMt home gll nH' 1)( the r\'J.:ulllr MelHili1 WIIM II gloriulIM IJI'I'IISiou for Itar,lin g. '1'111 ' Bi~"ltl! jlll1llll'd illin II fi)!htinJ: Suhillt'o ('"lIt'lre (Iuint lIutl ('rushed thl'Me ' I'rojlllls 50 to :W. '\1.·UI'YlIllitill "'11'1 ioopin" lmll"etl trOUI all IIllltiPI', III'orill" 17 l)(lint'!. Brlldley plli~ed II ,l('r(';lt deh'lIlti\'e ,,(tlllt' r(,lIntint:: )(1 IIrOr"I!, HI'll's and 1'. Berrlhill'" floor "',Irl.: Will' I,\'rt'lif. (tlld {·al'll ili'l>rl'll II pllinl,,_ (',I'lluiu II, Bl'rr)'hil1. Ihnll){11 not fit.:'urillg in tht, MI'Orill/: plll~f'(1 1111 nlm""1 (1I1111"'!>" "a me lit /1:11I\rd, hill III;JII fllihlll:' Ii> sl'ore frolll the flour, SECOND SUBIACO GAME [n the r et urn ~1I111i' lit Suhi:I('o, Ihl' lIIen of Bf'r· ryhill WP!'I' 1I"~I'd oul hy /I iji nl,\'it' puint IIl1lrJ:in, 70 Itl 71, Th(' lIi H-il 'HI h,~111 a :17 to :!:i le:lcl lit Iht' hl\lr, hul 1I/• .'lIin rOtl~h play {'Iimillllll'd rl'/millr>!, Illul Suhill('o grruitllilly raught III' alld hl'lli the 011(' 81' ' 'rl' I11l1r"ill III IIII' fllllli trun. Ilell, :\lrH,·ynold~. Hlltl 1', HI'rryhill "'I're Ihl' eliminal.,d. III'rr)'hill'lI flf· ft'lIl<c helllg tht' firlll ill llill Ihrl'{' )"1'l\rll of pia} h('re, lIuwf'\'('r, he /<I'orl' d :!:! pointlll lind phl,n'd Il ""od floilr Irl\lIle I",forl' h,' rt,tirNI, .\lI'Ht'\·n<lld~ A('('OIl IIINI fllr:!l. Iiradl('y lit /o:lillrd ('Ollnll'd 10 time~. )