1932-1933 Yearbook

TRI-SERVICE 333 - Phone - 333 Gas and Oil Tire and Battery Service JUDGE EDWARDS APRIL CALENDAR • I-April rool! Dona Pursley's n'th birthday. 2-BaXlfr beg in s meeting here. 5-Collcge Baseba ll League opens season. 12-Bisons play opening game at Conway. IS-Sl uden ts attend Coll ege Press Meeting at Conway. J 8- Statc Teachers are fim Bison opponents on home di3mond. IS-Bisons lake 3 10 2 game rrom Stale Teachers nine . R. C. A. Vitaphone Sound RIALTO THEATRE S pecial rates for Theatre Parties r CORNER DRUG STORE COLLEGE BOY'S HANG-OUT • M ORRILTON, A RK, JOHN W, KORDSMEIER g COMPANY HARDWARE AND FURNITURE • \Ve appreciate your Business Courteous, Prompt. Efficient, Appreciative, HelpfuL Safe We invite and appreciate your business. and are prepa red to do sa fe and conservative banking. We apprec iate Your Business . • 'The FIRST STATE BANK Conservative - Constructive M ORRILTON, ARK.