1932-1933 Yearbook

I FOil CO-EDS -1 THE BABY BISON FOil EDS 1 ONLY EDIT ION Publ is hed Now a nd Then , Here and The re UNCENSOIlEI> HARDING TRACK TEAM STARS SUHPRI SE TALENT FOR NEW FEATS WII O'I> A TH O"I' IT Pinke rto n Wins by a Neck Membcl'!i of the Harding track team starred in the meet held February 30 at t he Bison Green. Three breath-taki ng events were schedul ed. Foul' contestants entercd t he Standi ng Broad Grin. All ey Moore placed fi rst, J ames J ohnson second , and John Stew8r t and Gle nn Stapleton tied for third. The second fenl was t he Th ree-Legged Race . Burke and Copeland finished fil'st and Rice and Britt second. There were no other teams. The last even t of t he day was so spectacular that when stand - ing on the s ideli nes t he people we re brought t.o their feet . Three teams entered the relay race. Team X wa s comprised of Robe lt Gibson, h u I-leste r , V. V. Kni seley a nd F rank Rhodes , Tcam Y of 1\1 ike O'Kell€.' y, " Ha Ha" Howell, Doyle Hughes and J . D. Pinkerton and Team Z of floward Key , Glenn Parks , Gayle Hamilton a nd J . C. King~ l ey. Gibson and Key wer(' off to a brilliant !itart. Q' Kell ey was !dow, havi ng to s top a t 20 yards to chnnge s hoes wi t h hi s roommate. Key made an end run which gave t eam Z the advan - tage for a minute but then Gib- !'()n made a [onvard pass bringing him up to Hes t er . second man on t eam X. Heste r s truck n fly and ran hard a nd fast, reIllncing Kni~e ley on t hird. Almost instan t aneously, Key M'rved one s tt'aight t o Pa rks in the left court. Parks returned hy a punt to Hamilton, who, [ 01' a timc, l'ee med t o have t he wr('stling won fOI' team Z. O'Kel1e)" thu!i fa, ' in t he real', rt'('ove"{'(1 (In a team X fumble and s toic a base fOI' team Y. Howell curried on fo r O'Kelley who doubled u p on second. HO\W311 knocked several into the net but f ina ll y de uced the score. He pi tched t wo inni ngs in f ine s hape but we nt to pieces in t he t h ird whe n Hami lton made u goa l from beyond center. Hughes curried on for team Y, fo llowing Howell. Kn iseley, team X man, spr inted fOl'ward in excell ent form, clearing t he net at terri fic speed. He held that line well for team X and let no one stdke under t he basket. He then served to Rhodes, end man of team X who, in new socks, made a hole in one. Tea m Z was showing up well in t he t hiJ·d inni ng bu t Hamil ton had to be put out for rough play. Kingsley substituted. Hughes waddled t h rough the line a nd won a love set for team Y, passing on to Pinke r ton who f umbled but slowly regained. Team Z was plainly winning by a stride when luckily, for opponents, K ings ley was penali7.ed 30 yards for tak ing too many steps. Rhodes was bearing up well as forward for team X and neatly threw a basket on which he reac hed t h ird. Catching a fly, P inkerton, end ma n f OI' team Y, made a run to " igh t court, gaining 25 yards and winning the set for his team. Kingsley and Rhodes tied for second place for t hei r res pective teams. (B)' II worn!!ll " porl ll writer.) TO A SANI>STOIlM You al'e the apple Of my eye , The balm of a ll 1\1 y SOITOWS, The idol of my Heart's desire. Wi t hou t you 1 am Worthless ; With you I have \V im, wigor and ut ility, Dear little bowl of sp inach. Having purchased a wagon am prepal'ed to do yo ur dray work.-Opie Tucker. WEATHEIl ( From obli <lue obse rvat ions) Will clear up cloudy a nd rain a dry d r izzle. Ligh t breeze of 102 miles per hour from t he so uthwest. Sunshine unless clouds prohibit. Warmer unless temperature fa ll s. In any case, rain in A rkansas . IlE VIEWOG RAPH Children Pre fe r It to Bedti me Stori es a nd Cod I.i ve r Oil Don't forget you r college days! Buy one of our Reviewogl'aphs, t h e new inven tion which is such a boon to co llege students and professors. You r school li fe can be before you like a movie . All you have to do is tUrn t he knob ins ide t he Jid of the box a nd events in yeur co ll ege ca reer will be pictured for you. Write Dr. Denzi l E. Keckley, Scroggin lIall, Ark. I'II>DLER VS, FLORIST Homer Nero Reeves and Sweet Pea Dun-ance, Jr., met in open combat when Reeves insisted that Durrance apologize publicly fo r calling him a kangarooster. All was fin a1i y satisfactor il y settled when Du r rance sa:d that he reiterated his statement. CUP ID SHOOTS PO ISONED DAIlT On the fou r t h day of All Fool s Mon th, Miss Frances Mirandy Smith and Albert Josiah Murphy were united in the bonds of prea li mony. Miss Smit h wore a gown of pa le white goosedown satin denim cu t on extreme lines and caught at the waist by miniature saftey pins . Her t r ain cons isted of one engi ne, a coach and t h ree fre igh t cars. She carried a bouquet of w ild on ions. Mr. Murphy wore the conventional dark black suit made in a clever imitation of n ridi ng habit. Woven in hi s lapel was a da inty potato bud . After gaini ng sufficient cou r - age to announce their actions the thus fa l' happy couple arc Hat home" at the Standridge Apartments on N. West Street. Their many friends extend sympnthy.