1931-1932 Yearbook

JOYCE SHEWMAKER, B. A. VIOLET HILL, ARKANSAS Major: English Hm 1928-29-32. (Summer). r IS qt.ltl, thoup;htful , unafraid of life's obIlglltJons. new frirnd} but she is loyal to the old ones. hrltef for the Ius fortunate. H er life is a useful, WALTER BLAKE, B. S. BASIL, KANSAS Major : Chemistry Football, Basketball, Sub.T, Exchange Editor; here 1927 and 29-32. If you have known Walter at all you have kn own him altogether for he is always the same His strong ilnd robust body and scientific mind made him a power on rhe Bison football team. Though quiet and unassuming and among rh{' girls one might even say shy still he wielded n good tnf luence wherever he chanc~ to be.