1931-1932 Yearbook

~I \GGI£i BRUMM[TT, B. A. '\111}or: HUlor, D 0 . H.• Bison R~poner. p and 1M ....11 there. She has attainPd heights .fa ,hin« as "Ray 's". She is a genuine good £ff to panicipatt in clea n fun. Scholarship MJgglt, neither does she let it interfere with H umque humor carries he r through dif. nd leol\fS a little Kho in the h ea rt. RAY STAPLETON \VOl.FE CITY, TEXAS Major : Spanish Campus Player, Associate Editor BIson, Pioneer, BusIOUS Teacher; here 1928-32. Everything Ray undertakes is done with enthusiasm. H IS jolly nature creates hnppiness and sunshine fo r those who work with him. HIS ' .. sks are well done. H is loyalty for ot he rs and his sympathetic understa ndings make him a fmnd worth havi ng-a joy to his comrades.