1931-1932 Yearbook

OPAL BEAN, B. A. KIRBYVILLE, T EXAS MOJor: English .. loyal, conscientious, kind-hearted, and interd.. w.lfart of Harding College. She is keen to MIIIh«1 .nd rudy to ste justice prevail. H ers is IKWtt to I noble end . ROY WHITFIELD, B. A. GLENCOE, ONTARIO, CANADA Major: Mathem4tiCl De!xner. Sub-T, Bison Religious Editor. This Canadian has mOfe than his share of that pep so charncteristic of these northern boys. He lives for unselfish service. Calm and logical, he never allows sentiment to get the better of reason. All Harding predicts for Roy the greatest success in the work he has chosen- foreign mission .