1931-1932 Yearbook

DAVID GARDNER, B. A. SANTA ROSA, CALIFORNIA Major: English Campus Player, Debater, Pi Kappa Delta, Cavalier, Bison Columni$[; here 1927·1929·32. David carries wHh him an air of serenity. He never worries because his self·possession and unlimited reserve of wit and sat ire serve for every occasion. We have laughed at him and with hun. He has courage, persistence and delerminllt ion to car ry him to the heights. GERTRUDE PACE, B. A. MORRILTON, ARKANSAS Major: Spanish Dramatic Club, Senior dass Reporter , Bison Reporter. Mrs. Pace is energetic, persevermg, helpful, Wlt~ friendliness that is an inspiration. She works with heart, and hands. She is never too busy to share goodwill and sunshine. She is a mother.