1931-1932 Yearbook

ROBERT NEIL, B. A. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE Jla}or: English Director, Baseball, Dramatic Club t),timg he undtrlakes Boh's ambition to ucel pull .um above hi. comrades. As a result everyone (he nftd of him. H is pracricular interest in made him II host of friends. Bob's success in will make good in his life GEORGE W. EMPTAGE, B. A. MEDFORD, ONTARIO, CANADA A1ajor: English Editor Petit Jean, Campus Player, Sub.T, Minister; here 1928-32. SOlne people c.m do a few things exceroingly well; others ca n accomplish many things in a limited time, but George has acquired the ability to do the two in combination. This not only indicates superior intelligence but nlso consistent applicat ion. He has an alert mind and a decisive character that are both helpful. George's pleasant and humorous nature coupl«l with dignity wins the respect of all.