1931-1932 Yearbook

A. B. HENDERSON, B. A. FLORAL, ARKANSAS Major: English President Senior C lass, Business Manager Petil- Jean, Prrsident Sub.T, College Favoritt; hue 1928-32. Outstanding in every phase of Adrian's activity IS hIS unselfish service. In hiS judgment he has never done his part of any work. \'(then he melts out [he shares of heavy tasks, his shoulders carry the heaviest . He is dependable. All that he does is done with a finish . He is calm and unas.suming and his sincerity, consideration and friendliness toward others have won for him not a few everlasting friends hut also a host of admirers. GLEN ROSE McGREGOR, B. S. RUBY, TEXAS Mdjor: Mathematics Secretary.Treasurer Senior Clau, W. H . e, Trail Makers; here 1928·32. "Cool Pluck" characterizes Glen Rose. steadfast and dependable in her un3.uuming way. character has been an outstanding influence in Jenny H all. Quiedy she pursues her daily duties and I reasons out her difficulties. Diligence and "".. ",oo mark her path to succus.