1931-1932 Yearbook

MORRILTON HUB OF THE PETITJEAN COUNTRY INVITES YOU Morrilton is the county scat of Conway county and the principal market for a !arge stretch of territory in the rich Arkansas River Valley, with splendid river bottom lands on either side and the finest corn, cotton and truck land in the South. It is situated in the foothills of the Ozarks, where the finest peaches, grapes and strawberries are grown. Morrilton is fifty miles from Little Rock, and within sixty. five miles of Hot Springs, world famous health resort, with splendid state highways to both cit ies. Morrilton is a city of 4,042 splendid citizens. The city sponsors Rotary, Pathfinder, Kiwanis and other civic organizations, together with an active Chamber of Commerce. Situated within nine miles is Beautiful Petit Jean Mountain, the conference grounds of the State Y. M. C. A . and various church organizations. This con· ference center further enhances the delightfulness of Morrilton as a place in which to live. Morrilton is one of the best places in the Southwest in which to rear a family. Its churches, schools, and coll ege afford opportunities rarely fo und in one com· mumty. The Morrilton Chamber of Commerce considers Harding College one of the community's greatest assets. Morrilron has everything, including lights, water, sewerage, natural gas, paved streets, hospital, five schools, Harding College, a Carnegie Library, 10,000 spindle cotton mill, (not operating at present), ice plant, oi l mill, 25,000 bale storage compress, SOllth's finest Coca-Cola plant, handle factory, large planing mill, icc cream, bread and sausage factories. MORRILTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CURTIS B. HURLEY, President LORRAINE MERRIT, Secretary