1931-1932 Yearbook

Fiser is just the man to Hardi ng's athle tic program. develop H e has won a place in our hea rts and we hope he may be with us again next year-if not, Paul, good luck! Blake, husky cackle, playi ng hLs last season for Harding either got his man or held him as per orders . Blake's football career has been of shorr dura~ion but will be remembered for its determmed trymg. f'..10reland, fullback, made his senior )'car his first football yea r. With marc coachLllg and experience, Glen's hard and fast charging would make hLm a consistent ground gainer. Ervin "Pinky" Ber ryhi ll, half, was a sure ground gainer on quick opening plays. A good man on defense e:.pecially against a passing attack . With two years of play left we arc expecting great things of you, "Pinky."' Curtis !IRed" Johnson played his guard posLtion like an old campaigner. "Red" specLalized in creating convenient holes. This boy will do to watch for three years CO come. ((Little" Baldus, light, but hard runnmg ball carrier charges hke a bull; a few more pounds and three yea rs cxpc rl ence should enable him to make an)'body's team.