1931-1932 Yearbook

MOUNT NEBO The Quapaws roamed near Nebo. They farmed; they hunted and fished. From across the Mississippi mart/at/ing Chickasaws came raiding the hunting latlds full 0/ buffaloes. The former resented the ;ntTlls;on and fought for rights. YOllng Buffalo 011 wandering neaT the e,remy camp stood charmed at the sight of a maiden. His Flower of Life! He forgot to warn his people. H e laid siege to the girl's heart and won. On moonlight nights they climbed the MOlmtains of the Clollds together. Jealousy boded in the hcart of a ",aruading brave. He found them at their trysting place. He gathered his men, iliTromlded them, ga)'e the n'ar whoop and captured the girl. Young Buffalo fOllght man/ully. His arrow supply he exhausted-thell he [if ted his arms to the Great Spirit and fl1l1lg himself over the precipice. Flower of Life brok.e from her captors crying, "I come! 1 come," and followed in hu wake.