1930-1931 Yearbook

('!alendar "- gall, 1930 September 22. Many new arrivals. Everybody has conflicts trying to enroll. Doctor Cole speaks at formal opening meeting. T cachets introduced. Classes begin meeting. New electric bell rings at unexpected moments. Improvements in buildings and campus noted. Football banquet. UB rad" elected captain and "Sippy" Everyone gening acquainted. sub-captai n of squad . First game of the season, Bisons vs. Ozarks. Score? Don't ask. First Bison appears. Mr. Echlin takes pictures for the Annual. Pep sweaters arrive. Juniors go to Petit Jean. Choral and Dramatic Clubs organize. Bisons play Ouachita. Freshmen heat Academy at basketball. Harding students see ~(T wei fth Night" at Conway. Bisons score over Jonesboro in football. Ju-Go-Ju and W. H. c.'s initiate. Bisons beat EI Dorado in football. Dry Land Sailors have bean-boil. T railmakers organize. Canadians Basketball squad begins practice. Tests! Tests! T escs! hike . Little Rock Junior College Trailmakers hike to river. beaten by Bisons. Sophs breakfast at Cedar Park. Seniors take Browning finals; Armistice declared at eleven, and we celebrate all afternoon. Magnolia whips Bisons. / Frosh take intelligence tests and discover what makes them an that way. Primary department gives Stevenson program. Magnolia and Bisons fight. D<!bt cancelled. Reinstated in athletics. Teachers attend Little Rock convention , and pupils get holiday. Don Carlos Janes visits Harding; orgain zes Missionary Club. Sub T's beat Freshmen at basketball. Ouachita beats Bisons. Congressman Upshaw speaks at chapel. Baby Bisons tie Atkins- seven to seven in our favor. Sophomores beat Juniors at basketball. Football boys are guests of the Presbyterian Church. Bisons beat Hot Springs Army and Navy football team. Ex-students and school friends pouring into Harding. ~~Buck" accidentally double dates as Ellis arrives. HSonny_boy" all smi les. Hard ing is flooded with visitors, turkey and mince pie.