1929-1930 Yearbook

"He i s th c ~reatcst artist w ho ha s em bodi ed, in thc s lim of hi s wo r'ks, th e grea tcs t number o f th e grea tes t ideas, - Buskin " Th er c arc two kinds o f al' t is ts in thi s wOl'ld ; thosc that wOl'k bl' C:l USC the spi"it is in thcm , an d they cauDot be si lent if they would , and those Ihat SI)cak fl'olll a consc ie nti ous desire to makc HI}pal'cnt 10 ol hcl's the beauty that has awakened th e il' own admil'Cllion." j t;AN I' I'A BU III{E j 01::: L. H ECTon E'I' III-:1. S{; IIHADEII MHS. F. D. MC:\'UT'I' Direc tor Mils. TEAGUE CIIAWFOTD ALLEN - G" Cl' Il , l\l.-\II Y E U Z,\BETII J ONES