1929-1930 Yearbook

Intercollegiate...; "Debate...; Th e o ldes t Hlid most dignified o f co ll c/-!l' ac ti vi ti es Iw s always n' cl' i vC' d cn - Ihu!oo i:l !\ li c !\UPPOI' ! at Harding. II t.T c hamp io n s h ave lIle l 1host., o f every co llegt' ill th e' slale and IIw n~' otlH'rs out s id e, an d nlways th e number of vic tories ha ve becn far in eXCl'SS o f the ddea t s. To paraphrase Challcer, " The purchcs is we i In' ttrc than lilt· rente. " F or these c h ~llllp i on s of th e fOl' ul11 no question h<l s bel' n too difficult , 11 0 !\yll og is lJl t oo knotty, no f<l ll ac:\' t oo s ubtle. In informal di sC lI 'is i o ll !'. that indcpcndcnc(' o f thought! what powcr of speech! when some master-bowma n cl ove the Ilwl'k, and we hun g 10 h ea l' " ' I' IH' I'apt o r a tio n flow in~ free F rom poillt lo poI nt . wi t h J) ' ) Wl"r and gT<lIX' ...\ nd mu ~h: i n t ill' b(lU nd ~ of law, T o whOl'l\' ('() I\c lu sio n ~ \\ Iw n W(' :-<aw T h e n od w i thin him li/;hL his face." Thi s yeaI' th t' sc h e dull' of intnco llC'l-!iatl' (Il-balt's was as fo ll ows: AffiJ"tll;lIivl' ,~. Oklahoma B;lplisl l ' lli \,l'r~ il y Affil'llwtivl' " .., . •\bilL'n e Christi:lll ColIl'ge Affi l"ll1:1 ti vt' "s. College of th l' 01.;]rks ,\ ff i I'lllali \'l' \"s, llL'ndri x- ll l'ndt'l'son :\t'j.(:1l i \"l' \'~. II l' n<! t' l' son Siale 'l' e<lt hl' r s Affirllwlin' \"s. O uac hita Colkgl'