1929-1930 Yearbook

PAULI NE GREENING c., -'Ill EN. .\ .\!-\.\" S,\ '\ n. S. Mj. ilIa/ h emfltic:), Mil. Physical Scicllces W. Ii. C. Clu b, '27, '28, '29, '30; Tr:d lmak t'r-.; :\la t h -Sci t'llel' Club, ' :H) ; Fr l! lI c h Cl ub , '27, '2~ ; Golf Club, '::!S. . FaIr laughs lIw morn and ~ort the Zl ph~-r lJlows, \Vhih- p,' (.udly rl sin!, 0',-1' the a:f;ur~' J"t'alm ] n gallallt I ,'jm t he gildN\ v.'ss . '! /-:'O.'fI, Youth on the prow, <tlld l 'It'a:.un' Ht t h l' helm." -(;"<ty. J . D. FENN :\1-:\\' :\ 1.\ 111';1-:'1', A J..\ IH\]\ n. A. ,Hj. h' lIg/i sh , '\/11. 1I; -; IOl'!/ O. 1\. Klu bbl', '29; Dnll ll:l lic Club. "\\ 'e lin- in d eN!s not y.:·an;; In lho u g-ht~ not bn',llhs; In f. ·\· l lng'$ not In fi~' url' s 0 11 a d iaL \\'t' !<hould eOUlL1 tim.- by Iwart lill'ohs. J h' most Ihl'S \\'ho lhiuks mO!:lt, ft"']!" tht, nohkst, He-ll;; tlw 1J,'l'it.'· - Halll'Y,