1929-1930 Yearbook

LOYD SMITH COlin ELL, OKLAI IO;\IA R. A. Mi. lIi story. Mil. I...·duca/iull Prl'sidl'llt Sl'ni o r Class; Skippl' ' ', Sub T 16; Pionl'er ; Ass ist;mt Business ~ltnw gl'l' Petit J(,HIl. "Oh ~ 8 tW wal'< good as sil{'- was fair. i\"olw-nOIl l' on ea rth above h e r t\s PUI't' in th ought HS ang-ds are To know hd' was 10 lovt, hi -r," -Sa Illuel H og('rs ETHEL BRABBZSON T lTC I';EH:\I '\~, AIIKA NSAS H. S. M j. Math emal ics , Mil. Physicul Sciences W. II . C. S(,{'I'('t:II'Y '27, '28; Tr :li llll:lkl'r Secn·t:lI'Y '29, '30; Class Secrctar:\' '29. '30; :\ lath-Sc icllcc Club '30 ; (;ennan Clu b ''2i; Go lf Club '28. "Sol ;Uo! ullwr wom e n nre Is !<h l' tha t to my soul Is d ear; II ("r .l;"lorloul'! f<\nd('S ('orne (rom far , i klh'al h till' s iln;o r ('\'enlng star". And yet her hcar't I s eve r' )lcar," - Lowell.