1929-1930 Yearbook

Von. ~\\I'll(:''!\ "P1.\ehe'r Bnd\.~ CUe n.y Me. Kee O"t~ G)3aseball Winter WOl'i I' uther (k· l ibt:ratl' in lIl'- k nowll'dging: the arr i va l o f hi 'i sueCl'SSOI' Ihis ~·l'al'. thll~; 11('('(''isita t inJ,{ ;I d eby ill Ir aini ng fo r that Illo:-.t sl'Il'ia t i Glln l (If :111 AlIll'l ie' l ll sporl s- Basebn ll . l 'nda llnted , how(' \, ('I', our n('w cO:lch, ~orlllan A1'1101d , "ealizing that the Bi ... oll henl l1et-'tletl act ion and knowinJ.{ Ihat basebn ll eanl101 be plaYt-'d dfl' c! i \'('!y among peak s :Inti eallllons. St' t about to Il'1110\'(' the inc rt ia of Ihe boys and Ill(' topogl'aphien l UIH'\'('lln('ss of the fidd a ll ill Olll' p,·oc('ss. Il a t s an' off 10 him for hi'i unquestioned success . Aboul the middle of :\Ial'ch lile I'('j.(u lnr ~. eas c li s' \\'ol'lwul hegall. and was en tered illto frol1l ti l(' fil· .... t wit h zenl :llltl in l t:l'est. :\iuch lillle has been u '>ed ill d('\'l'iopingdficit'lley with Ih l' o ld eluiJ , but Il o t to t h e lH'gll'cI of fiL' ldin g practic l' . :\ Iol' l' :lIH! Iw tl l' r lllatt'l'i:d Ih ,1 1l hail bel'1l Ihc tlghl a\':lilable has appearpd I'l'gu lal'ly fo r prndicl' :lIld it S(,('IIIS thaI l'\'e l'y ; hing ~ ;() illt s to the cl e\'t' lol)llIl'lIt of the s tl'(lll~­ ... t {'Iu b in Bi so n hi s tOI'Y, On till' lII ound Ihi s SCflson, Von AI1Il11'11 :1111 1 DUIlC:lIl, bolh soulhj)<lws, al'(, ai<i('(\ h .\' Ilunlt' l' who flings 'elll fro III the rig ht. VOII'~ s low h a ll. Dunk's SIWt-'d, a nd HUIltl' r 's right -h andet l \'al' id y Illake a hafIlin/.! cOll1b in <l t ion whell delivl'I'('d aeco I'Il - ill g to till' :ll> le dil"('ction of 13r:l{l1ey, c:l rl'- 1<1 IH'1' of Ih l' I'l'.~ i o n behind th e p late, AI fil's t b:IS{', i\ienick, co-vete r an w ith B1'll dl n ' . of a ch:lll1p ioll'ihip hi/.!IH;c hoo l l l.':tlll, exhibits ab ilit y propheti c of conHnll.1i di s tinction.