Arkan:O;:I:O; T"rI"iton" IWI"aIllP H :o;tall' ill IS:;Ii" It wal'; one of the ~t\(dll1J.:" Ijt,\tI~ dUlIll~ till' ('I\il ""fIr, \\"a!< under lll11ilary eontrnl ill 186'!, and adoptNl It!< p l l~{nl ('oll'lltull(J1l In IR71 Oil lU"("OUllt of th;:> natural resourc{'tI and thl' ret-t'1l1 progn'!i!i, Arkan!ooalo! Is now known as thl;' ,,\\ronder State." I t 1mI'! thl;' ~TI'aH'lit yarll't~" of I'!urfa('" and tht> Ill()~t atlra(·tl\'e $('elll"ry of any of til(' !<tall'!-I hord('ring- tht' llississippl. .'\'0 s\O'etions are suhjf'et to drouth or \'xll"Pllles of telllpt:'rature. The stfltP of AI'kaol<Hh ""x("{'ls all othl'rs In IHltunli 1"(· .... OUI"{·,·l:1, its store of mineral wt>1l1th twing: pra('tieally inexhaUl.-Itlhll', itl'! ,"alit f,)rel<b:; supplying: vine anti hardwo()(i in quantitil's Huffkh'nl to pll1l'" thl' :<tah In th,' fon.'frollt, and Its ll)!Ti('ultural and hnrtkultural )Iro\\',,:<:< Hr(' It't"og:nized not only in thl' t"nltl·d ~tat··s hut in for.-ign ('ountril-I'! a~ \\"1'11. AlulU itiutrr III Ih e foo lhill s of Ih l' Oza rk... , nl'ar 10 P l, til , J l'~lIl ; SIa nds o ur g lo ri o ll s Alma ~lal l' r ; ll a l' d in g is he r namt'. Chri s t ia n s t a nd ar d is h I'!' 111 011 0; Ch ris l itlll li fe is s l l'es~c d ; And in ev('ry bl'l ll 1(: h uf le.w ll in g, t':ll' h Ol1t' dot,S h is best. lI anlin ;.( Ol)(' n .. w id e Iw l' po rl :d s, Ihus illv il in;.( a ll Who wo uld I rea d Ihe p: II I1 10 k nuwlt,t1g'(': hl'l'ti Ih l' lJ lu 114..'1' <':<111. HEl-"lIA i ':\ : Sing th t., c hurlls! Sh o ul il lo u d ly! Edill i ng Ihr o ugh th t' \'a l('" Ihli J 10 thee, be lu\'ed lI a r d in g! .\1 111<1 ) ta l t'l', 1I :l il !