1928-1929 Yearbook

." In 1S19, by an 1I\'t of (~(lnKr('s!<. J\rkansa:s was mlld~' a t,'rrit(,ry. PreHidf"nt ;\lOl1 r o(' al)l}ointf'd [{... bl-!"t ('rltlt>mlt'!1 f;{'{'I'dar~' of l ilt' new t(>rr itory. lit' rendt'n'd ArkallsHI'I <I gr('at s('r\'ict- In apl>ointing ('ounty officers, Qrganizing locnl and ('{, l1tm! !-;"O\l· rn1l1{:lIl nnd !;t.'tti ng things in motion bt;o[ore t h (' new go,\.'rnor, ('0]01H' 1 .l amE'/< ,\III1 (' r, arrl\"f'd. Thl' fi r st l egislatur~ p r o\'id('d J\rk}\n~ I\)o\ with it full so:! of lawlS by adopting ? th(.! !!~ In use in .\lIssourJ. Tlw same Yt'u r ,VillIalll r:. 'Voodruff r~SII{'<l Iht' Hrst number of the "ArkamHlIiI nazf'ltf'," th(' old est H"ing papPI' west of the Missi!<sippL The st'cond It'~isJIlLUJ'(' (,(ITlVt'IWd In 1820 at Arkansf\s ~ P t.!!t .and mo\"ed the ca pital If, I.iltl(' H(J('k . 'I'll .. "H:IJltist )I eetin/-:' HousE' ' ' in Little Hock wa~ Ow s('ene or many m<,e tin~-M of th(' territorial h'gi ::llatul'('. EUCENE IIlt;liTOWEIl LOIS ~IATTHEWS CAH IU E OLSO:'> ~tatf EDITORIAL STM'F· BUSINESS DEPARTMENT TATU~I ~11 LLS LEOl"AIW KlilK LIl"IlSEY AI.LE:'> Editor Lit erary Art ,lIWUlfjt'l' Adver fi si ll {1 (.' iI'Clliot;oll