1928-1929 Yearbook

E UGENE HIGHTOWER Il:\TES,' I LL E, :\HI~:\KS:\S N. .4, Jli ,' if ory Jlardill~, '25, '29: Editor of 1:1 2!1 P etit J~' an: ('ollt·/o:"t, I)",ba t ",; t~d ito r of Sk .... tt· r. '26, ' 27; nU l'll n ess :-o\;tnagf'r of Skeeter, ' :!7 , '28; Straight "8" (,'Iuh; " II " ('Iub ; Book Store :-Ol allage r; J~n'88 (,'I u l) " \ 'iew th e wholo: SCt· IIt', with critic judg'llwnt s c a n And th"n d ",IlY him lll t.' riL If y ou (.'a n , 'Vh{' r e he falls s hort, ' t is :"\ature's fault alone; "'he r e h e s u <:<:et'ds , till' Ilk rll' s all hi s o\\'n." BEUNAH V ESTA SCHRADER BE ll=" I E, ~ II SSOU III 11 ,..1 , }~ lI g li .'t h Sou t heast :-'I h;souri Teach,,!'!'; ('ollt.'g't" '2il; Ha r d ing ('oll .. gt.', '2';, '19; (; i rl Fa\"orit,,; Ju (;0 Ju Cl ub: Authors ('Iub; Prt'Sl'; ('luI,; Pdtl ./ "BI'i ASl'listant Editor ; Trail :-O IBk"rs " '\'ho' l1 to tht· ::I ~' i'<::I i () l1 li of S\\·t.'t.'l sil" l1t thought \\'" 'Summon up r e m emhra nct' of thinKS pas t , \\~t.' sigh th.. l a(' k of m:lny things o n l't.' ::IOUghl ,-\nd \\' ilh ol d woes we grie\'" o't'r <It'a r tirues wHsle. But if tilt.' whllt' Wt' t hiJlk on lh",,, d ea r fri t.'ll(l , ,\11 iosl'lt.'::1 ar(' I"t'sl o .·ed and so rrows t.'nd:"