1928-1929 Yearbook

.. 5. 6. 10. 13. 15. 17. 18. 2<. 25. illnlrubnr Annnal ~nll\lI\rr ~rjjsion 1 !I2ll .1Ui\ E Heglstratlon and Classification-Enrollment Illore than doubl e last summer's enrollment. i\l any conti it'll'! found - I'e-a rrangeme nt of sch edul e . Cl asl:Ies meet and r eal work heg'lns. 1<;(1wl\l'O Beas ley a new faculty member. Bro, I..ower.\' and <Iua ,'t"t lea",," for Jlummcr loUt', B ro. Rhodes preaches first Sunday, 'I'ht> Glenl1~ leave fOl" Louis\'ille. Mona Bell h:a\'cs fOl' home, Bro. Beeso n p r ea c h es Sunday and Sunda~' ni "ht. 8ro. Hhod.,!< and .'oli ~l< Bcunah I,;"\'t '28 and '2[1 catalogues r eady ror mailing. Bro. Bell l)rea('h(;5. Ua[las H obe rl s ylsit& 8(: hoo\. J ULY ~. 8<:11001 goe!' to Cy pre!ul 'reek o n Pi cnic. 5. Chautau q u a begins. 6. H,·o. Beeson, Ly nwood .Jones and I!:dward Bea..; ley r e tu r n from \ Valdo, 10, Huth TholllJ)~on lea\'e8 school and begins to UlSe h e r ommercial Course, 18, B r o, Sears, Edward Beas lt~' and Sleepy Jones go fl'og gigging to Ri\'er La k e, 29, O\'a J ames, ]Wo, Beeso n and John BaniSH;!' go to B:l.tes\" llle, l. ;\ I r ~, J o nes , 'Isits h e l' son, Sleepy. 3. J . D, Arm:otrong leaveH ror Oklahoma from n v is it with hi s parents. .. . ;\ I I's. Cliek and son. ;\I a ld tll \'islt in Harding. 5. Sleepy. Edwal'd and ~ I alden go to D:l.rd ant'ile 9. F [nal Exams. Summer School doses, i&rglllar S>rssioll 1 !I2ll-2!1 SEPTEMBEI I IS·I !I. Ht'gislralion and dass e nroll nll' n l. 20. Cla!-<!< work iltgins. 22. Studt'llt faculty recep ti o n. 23. l-'rel'ls d ub met.' lS to be~11I the publi ca tion of the Skeeter, 27, Fir!<t football game of the season: specia l train goes to Hussell \'llIe, 28. 1\11 Cluhs meet and \"ote in new members. 29. Rro,.t\ rmsu 'O llg pr".H:h ~·!I. OCTO BE/{ l. !-:it'lllo!"s ol'dt"r r Ings, 2, Fln. t issue of th", Skl'Nl'r HlTl \'es-H erman VlIlson, ed ito r. 3. "HNle l' \'ed " !It'ab; al'e taken in c hapel : \\' .Hle Huby Bnd Lindsay All e n have to apply fo r second cholee, 4. Hotation 1\t ('ollege ('Iub begills.