1927-1928 Yearbook

Basket Ball Tilt, ba '\kl'l ball sq uad Iwgall practice thi s winter with on ly Ollt' leltel ' !Ilan , :lIId on ly Dill' ,,('Ienlll o f last year 's sqlwd. Practically the cntire squad of th e v i c toriolls 1927 I l'Hm \\':lS IO'!i t eithL'r Ih"oug h g l':ullmlion or withdrawal fl'Oll1 schoo l. BI;UHI.:, leiter lIlall of IY:!G, was tilt, o nly C':-"pt'ricilced man on th c le:lm. Coa c h 1lelll'Y IWg:lIl wO l'k (,}ll'ly, nlld b~' Christmas the green material bcgnll to look like :1 I'e a\ basket ball 1L'<l1l1. Tht, boys waded through all OI}Pos ition durin g thl' l'arly pl':lclicl' g alll(, S and returllcd after th e ho litl:lys in good s hapL'. TIll' saml' difficully ill "ich('( lu\ing ganll's thai was expcrien ced last y('<l1' was a problclll again this wi nter . Co ll ege g"lllll'S were fcw , and thi s caused a laggi ng of interl's t. Tech a nd the Siale.' Tencht'l's were the only college teallls mel, and fUI'tht'!' oppos iti on had to bt:' drawn frolll alllong Ihe cOllllllercial it'agllcs, 70