1927-1928 Yearbook

It was an lHI!'IOrh'd company (If adventurl'I's who put out to !oIl'a, Thl" l\larqui!-l him~elf W:H! It eommandlng ftgul'e, who lookt'd thl:' ('hara('lt'r of th.. darln~ it'ader. Among the otiwrs WIUI the ('aLi n h()~', one of those nam(' I('l'l l'l waifs who haunt Ow harbors and art' tllkl'n aboard for II long ,"<)yag!;' at Ow caprh.'t' (If !-lome shipm:lSH'r, So faithful WA!-I the ('abin boy In hl!'l ma!'lle-T, :\Iarqull'l Jl:'an, lind !-IO belov('d hy lht- {'olllp:tny Ihnt. h('('au!<\ of hl!i devotion to their Il'ader. h(' WHl'l ji!:"h"t'n till' nam(' of ""l"Ilt Jt'Hn",