1927-1928 Yearbook

Piano Studio On till' l 'll lil'L' camJlus nol a l o\'cliel' nook cnn be foun d than the ~ llIdio ,)ictUl'l'd .. bon, Pl ' rhaps this IIwy partly aC('ount for thl' zl ':d with whidl tht, ~ tlll:l· nt .. wo rk Ill'rt,. TIll' gn'a t s u('cc..'ss o f thi s wOI'k. h O,\\,('HT. is dUI" to the able h t :ld of Iht· dep:II' !IlH'n l. A 'i a ,'('suit of till' sp h 'ndi tl co-opl'ration of all tht' Fint' Arts Dl'pn rtllll'llts , M've ral n'cil;lis \\'l'n' givl'll. co ns is tin g o f !lumbers frolll l':lC'h dep :u' llIIl'nt. :\Iosl of th t-St, \\'t:n' g in'lI fOl' a limitl'.1 Illlllllwl' in thl' pian o 'i llldio ; thOM' for til(' I)ublic w('n' in Iht, .'I1:lIthl'\\,s Audiloriulll. Xl'n'r l'dusillg anything :Is kt'd of il. Ilw Pia no Ih'p:II' !lIlenl conll'iiJutt'd two Illllllhl'l"'. :t quarld anti ;1 so lo. 10 tht, 1IIu .... i(·a l program wh ic h was given in the C o ll l'gt, L~lTlIll\ COurSl' ill .J;U1U<ll'Y, 011<.' of lilt' 11l0st <.'llj oY:lblt' eHlIh of tIll' ~·t' :lr W:lS [1 r ecita l given by the :-. tluknls in til l' lalh'l' pari of .'\pril, Foul' young I:ldit,:-, g: l\' t' tlleir gr:J( luHling rf'cit:iI in 'In~' , Thl'(.' l' of these !', tud('nts !'t'cl'ivl' theil' l't,!,tifi<.' ah':-.. ·17