1927-1928 Yearbook

HELEN IIAYNES SMAIlT B. A. English ~lajOl' MOIIIIILTON, Anl{ANSAS Secretary or Pre~~ ('Iub C;lIendar I.;dltor of P('ttl Jean 1,(, ('(·rde Ji'rancais Sk~'I'l.'r Stafr Arkansas Teachers' Co ll ege, 1923·'25: I.. I. Dipl oma; Ilarding ('oll('g(>, 1926,'28; taught, 1926,'27 ·",'he fountains mingle with th(> riv{'r, And the rivers with the ocean. TIlt' winds of heaven mix forevt'r \Vith a sweet emotion; Nothing in the world i s 8 illgl<'; All thinKS by a love divh1l' In one anoth .. r's bt-ing minglt'- Why 1I0t I with thine?" 23 IXKE rilIBA B. A. History ~Iajol' HUSSEI .LV ILI.E, AIII{ANSAS ,,'ol)t hall, 8Rsehall Abilene Christian ('ollege, 192.-'25; Harding ('01l.'1;{', 1925·'28, and summer 1927 "What is noble?-to inherit Wealth, estate, and proud degree? There rnUlit be some other mprlt I/Ighf'r yet thn.n these for me!- Somcthl nl-t greater far must enter Into life's majestlc !Spa n , ]"lttcd to c r eatl' and ('f'lltrt' Tru e nobility in man."