1927-1928 Yearbook

+ o_ o_ oo_ oo_ o_o_ o_o_oo___ _ o_ o_o___oo___ __o_oo_ _ _ oo _ oo_ ___ _ ___ _ 00_0_ 00_ __ __ + ~:I I FEIlIlUAIlY I I i o, i:1 ~: ~;~;~O,~ .~i~ IDc~:)':~I;:;:~;;:'~;~::.II~\k,t·~ h\':.~~ :: I~ I ~(~~':.P~ol~e(:tlln nUll! bel. i ll o 3. Cam pus Players a rc wOl'ki ng h a rd on " Li on and :\l o II "l'." 4. L ~'l l l' n lll'n orgallizt· in Bi son Club . I " ;). Sa lybt,sS I-Iul on Il'ave" foJ' UniH' I'sity. I 0, .Iodic W i ll ollghb~' !l'an's for Li ttl e Bock Collcg(.'. olI i. Oakley an d P OI' i s re p ol" a good lime at Alnw 0\'l'1' the week-e nd. I ' :~ : :~~~!~~:;:;'~,~~:~e;~;~~:'I::I;:.;; I:~:~~ I~:~:~I;~,~;;~~~~:::~:,':r ~:~~:I::1 L~:II::. S ~~O~'~ ' lIigh 0,' 1:l. Harding l'l'pn' 'iclllati\'cs att end llIeeting at .Joll l's bo l'O i n inl c l'{'s t o f Ch ri sti a n Education and Hal 'ding. i 13. T . Q. ~hll· till beg in s mcet in g. i i 'l. Pie SUppCl' brings !il2G a nd ove r -s:lti s f il' tI appetites. I ! 15. Op(, llin ~ pages o f P (, tit J ean in I-land s of print er', "Dooy" B1 uc ks h en l' leav('s I for Ik l'lin , li e n-n Hn y. when' he will teHc h English in a languag-e sch ool, :t nd hc I I G, Fn~s hlll('n (h:ba t c on inlcl'collt'giate athlt:li cs attracts ]al' ge :tlllli c ll CC, Oak ley w ill do mi 'is io n:'lI',V wo rk, :0 11 17, I N, 19. ~II. 2 1. 23. ~5. ~fi. 27. :nt I. 3. .j, Ii. 7. X. III. 11. a nd .Joh n nie.' Ha y ~lul'I)hcy an' ca ll ed 10 l. Yll n vi ll c. Tl'nnl'~~l'l', 011 accounl o f illn ess o f Iheil' un cie, Bisons w in 0\'('1' England Athll'lie Club. :3G-9, :'Ili so,; Ikn l'ii cld gOt'S 10 her hOll ll', s ic k, .Io.\'cc Du va ll gocs 10 Im bodl'I1, Emily Gammill I' ct UI' I1S fl 'om vis it. in COil way. Coneh lI e l1r y, () o~' a l . ,1111 1 Judd . so licit ads fOl' allllllnl in Lilli e Th e illfinllal' ~' S{'l'mS to be ; 1 most po pul ar placl'. Gl'a d (, s tud e nt s Pl'l 'St' nt pbyll't in Ch :.1PC I, an d at I{iwa ni s Club . Frank St:II'k is in di s tr ess, "nol " is Cil lllplI sscd . Brothcl' :'Ilarlin clost's "UC('{'ssf ul IlIceting. Fresh-Sop hs h i k(, 10 th e rivcr. We I('a l'll. coac h ha s bl'l'n a Ill:lrril'd man s in ce J an ua r y 22. ~IAHCII Hock. Cha p!.'] programs <:u nsi s t of t a lk s on c iga re tt es. .Ju ni or-Sl'n iol· B:IIHlut'I a hig Sll CCC,)S. .I ack a nd b(' ('/l InalTi (' d s in c(' la s t S{'pt('lIlbel', lI e lcl1 HnllOUIlCt' th ey h:ln' Sl'n iors ord e r (':IPS ,tl HI gowlls. Juniors a lr eady discliss l'obbl'I'~' o f th c :lfoJ'csai d cnlls an d gOWIl"i. Bl'otiwr (;knn lll'lkt.'s cha pe.' 1 l a l k on !la rd ing's 1'('(,C llt sccn't llI:lrriages. Doris Shull and Or a Fuchs 'i how HOIHf' Eco nom ics class how Ih C'y can cook . Exams. Engli sh I. ill'J'a t un' dass 1('!Tified. ~{'w playground equi pmen t tl eli,!..(h l 10 childrel}, Coun l y lJa~kl'l ball t ou r n;llllell l Iw ld hcr('. .Iodi(' :Hld "Doc" 111: 11,(, thl'il' regu lar \' is il OV(,I' w('ck-cnd. I r ! 1 I +-'- "-- ,-"- ,,- ,,- "- "- 00- "_- "- 00- "- "- __ '- 00_,- ,,_,- ,,_ '_._ .._._._._'_00_'__ -+ 11 3