1926-1927 Yearbook

! I TH E I '~tt> '~A PETIT JEAN :) t!3' ...... 192.7 ~IISS EXENE BENEFIELD, Sponsor I IlENE BEVELIIYMEIl, Pre" ident ETIIEL L AT II AM, Vice-President CARM EL WAIlF IELD, Sec r eta r y MARY TAYLOIl, Treasurer MARY IIAYES, SgL-at-Arms # MISS MATTIE ELLA CIlAVENS, Reporter MAllY IIlENE ADI< I NS FANNIE Lou FRI CI(S OLA L OTER PA ULINE GIlEENING R UTH MAPLE M Ail l E DAVIDSON LILLIAN ARDIlEY ~~I ~ ~ ETTA BELLE JAIlMON REBA TUTTLE CLAIlA FilALEY PEAIlL LATHAM RUBY SI NGLETON ETHEL BIlABBZSON ALMA ROACH DORI S SHULL RUBY ADAMS DOIlOT II Y M CQUIDDY JULIA ALLEN MISS HELEN GAIWNEIl ELA MENDENII ALL Among the recently organi zed clubs of Harding is the Trail Maker s. I t is made up of a group of Harding students who have firm con v i ctions rcncE rnin g the place of health, t ruth , honesty , and dependabil i ty in a girl's life and are 'tri ving earnestly to give them first places in their own. I ts ch ief act i v ity i s becoming acquainted with the hill s and valleys of A r kansas and their trees, birds and flower s. PO{JC eiuhty-t wo :