1926-1927 Yearbook

I THE I t;' '~ ~ PETIT JEAN ~. ..... 192.7 ,.r WOODSON HARDING COMRADES CLUB !\tRS. J. O. GAlm~l'T ALMA ROACH MAU llINF; RI-ION~S Pt;A1U. LAT I-IA\'.'l MAnlUE'I'1'A I IF~ L M RUBY TUTTLE DOROTHY I'IlcQulI)OY ETTA BELLE JAn~1 0N EnlEI. BRABRZSON RUTH HOWELL ELA MENDEN HA LL HEBA T UTTLE HAZEL CRON IN VERNA ANDERSON i\1A I{Y 1I ~\ yt:S ETHEl . LATHAM P AULI NE GnELK I NG Bf~SSIE WOODIlINC. VERA NORR IS Wailing List: LOIS STARKES, UI.OENE )IILL8 , ELSIE I\·III~LS. R UT H F LI NT The W. II. C. was the fil'st new dub to be ol'ga nizcd in J enn ie Hill Hall this yea]'. The chartel' members were eighteen girls who were hl.!l'c for the first lime, but latcr some of those who had attended Harding College in fonnel' years we re added to their roll. The members of this club stl' ive to live up to t he high ideal s fol' which their 0 1'- ganizat ion stands , During the first and second te l' lllS Mi ss Roxi e Woodring s ponsored the 'V. H, C, in the many aclivitie~ in which t hey e ng-aged, The most in tcl'esting of these was a foul' act play, "Thc Land of Night," given in J\'latthews Aud itorium March 4, under t.h e direction of \\' oodson I-Ial'(\ing Armst.rong. At the beginning of the last term when new offi cers were selected, 1'11's, J. 0, Garrett. was elected sponsor. The officers c'ctted at thi s time were: P]'csi dcnt :i\laurine Rhodes Vi ce Pres idcnt Ethel Latham Secl'ctmy ......... ... .. .... Mal'l'ietta Helm Treasurer Ela Mendenhall Reporte r Dorothy 1'IcQuiddy : ~r~~~~~~~~~1~~I~'~:~~~:~~~ Page seventy-nine