1926-1927 Yearbook

TENNIS Tennis is one of the popular spor ts of Harding College. It is encouraged because of the wholesome activity and growth which the game promotes. It is a great factor in bringing to realization the "Everybody Play" policy in Harding. Besides outdoor courts fo r the lovers of the game, the gymnasium pro\,ides a splendid indoor cou rt which makes it possible to play in all "orts of weather. Por the two years of 1924-25, 1925-26, Hardi ng has been represented in the State lnter-collcgiate Tenni s Toul'l1ament at Little Rock. While they have never won a state championship, they have made a good showi ng, and on one occasion were defeated in the semi-finals by the state champion in the si ngles match. The team for the two yea rs mentioned has been composed of Clin t Surbe r of Nebraska and Raymond Hazlet of Colorado. As the Petit Jean goes to press, the boys al e rounding into form for another state ti lt, and are expecting to bring home the pennant. Page 8e venty-six :