1926-1927 Yearbook

, THE ' BASEBALL The first blue bird and lhe track of the bat against t he old ball are sure he r a lds of sp r ing and lhe firsl Hu ebird ar rived to find the Bisol! baseball squad already hard al it. Manage r Su rber f ou nd six vet emn s among t he fi rst to report for baseball practice and arou nd t his nu cleus he is gr adua ll y rounding out a smooth, steady , baseba ll mach ine. Mill s a nd Surber, vete ran pitchers, give the Bisons a st rong hur ling stat i" a nd th ree Yeterans, Blackshear , Mills, and Pa tton, with t he addit ion of Gibbons. a newcomer, are rapidly developing into a clock-like infield. T he Feason's prob lem seems to Ce in the catching and outfield departmenls hul Manage r Surbe r has Robison, Hazlet and Matthews, f rom whom he shou ld be able to deve lop a good r ece iver, and the rooki e outfield looked well in the two early season games aga inst t he Slate Teachers. The Bison's suppo r ters a r e opt imistic about t he coming season although se,·eral of the best college teams are 10 be met. Pag e sev enty ·fouT