i I FOOTBALL SQUAD Thi s year was the beginni ng fo r Ha rding in inte rcollegiate football. It was her first year to meet teams of othe r colleges on the g r idiron . Heretofore Harding College football teams have met only second teamR or teams representing secondary school s . Compared with t he beginni ng made by other coll eges that are now prominent in athletics the start made wa!" impress i ve. In a rranging a sched ul e fo r 1926 several of the best teams in the state were booked for games. Even at the time when these games were schedu led the most ardent of the Bison·s s upporters had little hope of winning even a fraction of them. The purpose was to present the Harding tcam before the other coaches and colleges in the state in or der that in the f ut ure games cou ld be secu red with the state's best elevens; that hi gh class teams might be brought to Morrilton for games. It was with this poi nt in view that games were scheduled with Magnolia A. & M., the College of t he Ozarks, Henderson-B rown, the State Teachers' College, and other st rong teams. Again , the team was handicapped a ll yea r by the lack of an ex peri - ,·nced coach . Although the boys in charge did admiral-Ie work conside ring their lack of experience, they could not have been expected to develop a team in one yea r that could cope with w stiff a schedu le. Thi s lack of competent coach ing was evidenced all year by the inconsistency of the Bi son offensive. On the defense the team was abl e to meet the powerfu l driving machines of their opponents with a stiff line and a good secondary dcfen~e . At every game the crowds were impressed by the dogged, obsti nate way in which t he Bi sons fought for every ya rd. Taken as a whole the season can be said to have been a success. The team accomplished what it ~et out to do for it has "b roken the ice" to intcrcoll egiate football for Harding. We have on hand the nucleus of a good 1eam. Let us start now and with the a;d of an experienced coach, build a winner in 1927. P«gc aixty·sclJcn