1926-1927 Yearbook

: J.JufJe thirty- six CLASS OF 1930 Nineteen different states furni s h representatives for the Freshman Class of '27, t he largest class Harding has known . The Fres hman class was the firs t claso to organize at the beginning of the j'ear. Thi s act s howed that the "Fres hies·' were full of pep alld energy . Th ey have given several chapel programs . Besides contributing indi viduail y to th e boil er fund, the Fres hmen managed a carni val [or t he purpose of rai s ing fund s for the annual. Wh en the campus work was in full swing the Freshman workers were seen to be the most energetic and untiring of all classes. This group claims many tal ented member s, f or it has several good debaters, a number of good musi cians, arti s ts and readers . In general, its membe rs hip is far above t ile a ve rage. If a large percentage of thi s year' s Freshmen are back next year one may look forwa,·d to a ch eerful , peppy, studiou s Sophomore class.