1926-1927 Yearbook

I'u ye thirty-two THE CLASS OF '29 Within thc ranks of the Sophomore class of Harding College are thirty-three lively students representing unusual talent and ability in the various arts and activities of the school. Frcm this class were recruited eight men of the College footba ll tcam. They demonstrated s kill and perseverance in thc games of th is year. About three men on the baseball team are Sophomores. When you s peak of music, vocal or instrumental. you will find fifteen of our number who call either sing, play piano, or some kind (d' an orchestra in strument. Some of these sl udents are very talented in music. Had it not been for the persi stence of the Sophomores we might not have had a college pal;er. "The Skeeter" staff is composed of fifteen members, five of whom are Sophomores. The Sophomore cia3s had two members studying art, several memters in the D"amatic Club , and also furni s hed one of the favoriles among the sludents . The activities of the class this yea r consisted of a trip to Petit Jean Mountain . On this trip we were accompanied by the Senior clas3. All enjoyed the freedom of roaming over the hills, rock s, and cliffs near the Cedar Falls . We only hope thai the next class will be able to do as much as we have done and even more toward bearing the torch of civi li zat ion onward .