1926-1927 Yearbook

; THE CLASS OF '28 The JtEl iors of 1926 and '27 form the most promising Junior class in the history of Hard ing College. Thi s g roup, n ineteen in number. is made up of men and women with ambitions for many vocations of life. We are students from Tenn€ssee, Kansas, Nebraska, Indiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas, in whom art' found initiative, strong personality, a nd real character. Our class includes r ep resentat ives from eve ry phase of student activity. Only a few of us sta rted our Freshman year together. :Oeme dropped by t he way, otlce:'s entered until we are grown to ou r present number. We have found our love for Harding g rowing with the years . We have man y interests in common. Our association has been s uch that shou ld our numte r be broken before our goal is r ea ched we will take with us memor ies which will be a sou rce of happiness to us. Next year another group will te Hal'ding's Juniors and we s ha ll be c all e~ upon to take the places vacated by those who are now just a little ahead. By t he assistance of our efficient director::, who rave fi red our sou ls with inspirations fo r the truly g reat things of li fe, we are beginning to see distinctly some of the possibilities which were once so far in the distance that we cou ld th:nk of them only as dreams. Our Junior year. like a day is passi ng. We are m~king our goed-bye only a good- ni ght. We go contentedly with a determination to call a happy good-morning at the dawn of our Senio r year. Harding's ~en ior s of tomorrow! May we make ourselves worthy of t he honor. Page twenty-eight :