1926-1927 Yearbook

CLINT E. SURBER , B. A . Davenport. Nebraska lvia,iol' : Social Science Har pe l' College '22-'23: taup;hl school '23-'21; Tlnrding '24-'27; Athletic Ed itor "Petit .J ean" '25-'27; I-l Club; Basket Ball; Bascbalt, Forensic Club; President of Senior Class. "CHOPP IE" The presi dent of the Class of '27 began hi s college ca ree r in Harper College. It was t here that he wore off hi s Freshman g reenness, r eceived the name "Choppie," acq u.ired an appreciation of the superior individual instruct ion and personal interes t of teachers in schools of this type. He became attached to a number of young people whose friend ship has meant and wi ll mean mu ch to him as he goes through life. He has always taken a great interest in athletics. Besi des being on the basketba ll and baseball teams, he is one of t he most proficie nt tennis player s in Harding, and ["eprese nted the college in the state ten n is tou rnament s at Little Rock . Clint helped on the annual t he past two yea r s. and took an active part in for ensics. He has the honor of being a member of the H Club. "Choppie" is a courteolls, cheerful , charming, curly-haired chap. Pane twenty