1926-1927 Yearbook

10.-Clarence Reynolds r eq uests that hi 3 "Occupations" be return ed. ll.- Open forum debate with Teacher s' College. 11-12.-Second term finals . 12.- Mi ss Gardner. Dot McQuiddy, Julia Allen, Clara Fraley, and Etta Belle Jarmon s pend the. week end vi3iting at the ir homes. H.-Number of students work on the campus illcludi ng the "sleepe rs" . Ruby and I na Singleton call ed home duc to ill ness of t heir mothe r. 15.-Bess Woodring has the mumps. Atto rney Colvin makes a speech. I6.-Last lyceum for t he yea r . 17.- Jack Smart and Helen Hay nes take a st r oll over the campus from 9 to 10. I9 .-Holiday given for planting fl owers and shrubs. 20.- Brother Ben Harding a .... ives and spring meeting I;cgin s. 23.-Theron Pomeroy returns to the dormitory. 24.-Minstrel given by Kiwani s Cl ub. 25 .-Baseball boys play Teacher s' College at Conway. 26.-Baseball game with Teach er s' College played he re. 27.-Mceting still in progress, mu ch interes t shown. 29.-Harding boys win in debate with Oklahoma A. and M. College. 30.- Meeting closes . APRIL I.-Gas Hou se Gang takes holiday. 1-2.-"1'ho Spy" given by Twin Q Club . 4.- Pi cnic day for all classes. 5.-Debate with Oklahoma Bapti st University. 7.- E. L. Jorgen son visits H . C. on a s inging tour. S.- Mu s ical recital. 16.-Senior banquets and class party night . 22.-"Gettiug Acquainted with Madge" given by Dr amat ic Club. 25.- Ann ua l picnic. 30.-"The Dream of Queen Esther" given by th e J u-Go-Ju Club. l4.-0rchestra recita l. 21.-Grand concert. 26.-Piano recital. 29.-Bacca laureate. 30.-Last Monday n ight meeting. MAY JUNE 2.-Commencement. 2.-0peretta-"Merry Mi lkmaid s." Pag e one hundred eleven