1926-1927 Yearbook

: '\Sf , THE , )~ PETIT JEAN ~! ~. ....... 192.7 -# e 29.-Basketball game b€tween Midgets and College team. Midgets defeated. 30.-Sunday . Several youn g lad ies st roll to the river in the afternoon . :31 .- Monday nigh t meeling. Debate. FEBRUARY I.- Twin Q. Club entertains Pres ident Armstrong and wife with a waffl e s upper. 2.- Jack Smart adds a book to Professor Hens ley's r eser ve s helf- "Judge". 4.-Program given by Mr . and Mrs. Toy. Harding def eat s Piggly Wiggly in basketball 50-4l . 6.-Fanis Emerson returns to spend Sunday afternoon with Ha rding f ri ends. 7.-Practice begins on "Merry Milkmaids". 8.-Juniors celebrate holiday granted them for being one hundred per cent st rong in the photographic contest. They go to P et it J ea n. Safety lecture given by r ep resenta t ive of Mi ssouri Pacific Railroad. 10.- Marri etta Helm entertains t he Dramatic Club with a Valentine pa rty. lI.-"Womanless Wedding" and Mock Faculty staged for bene fi t of Tra il Makers. 12.-Harding defeats Russellvill e Aggi es in baskelball. Score 43-40. 14.- Freshme n High go to mountain. Val entine party given at the College Club. 15.-Debate with Western Oklahoma Chri stian College. Harding wins. 16.-Fayorites elected. l7.-Jack Smart fails to go to sleep in English class. 18.-Basketball game with Battery G. Score 62-25 in favor of Harding. 19.-Senior High School gives their play "A Kentucky Belle". 22.-Holiday. Basketball game. Harding 42-Draughon's 32 . Midge t s defeat Hattevi ll e. 38-6. 23.-Mr. Cole lectures on Browning . 26.-Midgets defeat Mayflower in basketball. College wins radio g iven away by The Right Place. 27 .-Mary Hayes is accompanied to church by Albert Smith. 28.- Rain, snow and sleet. MARCH 2.-Mixed qua r tet broadcast from Hot Springs. 3.- Ar lene Harris leaves for home. 4.-W. H. C. Club stage "The Land of Night". 5.- Harding defeats Subiaco in basketba ll. Thereon Pomeroy undergoes an operat ion. 6.-Dr. L. K. Harding visits Harding College and friends. 9.-Mrs. J. R. Pomeroy arrives. : Pun e one hund)'ed nine