1926-1927 Yearbook

8.-Junior-Senior debate. Seniol's win. 9.-Mi ss Fannie Lou Fri cks is honored with a birthday party at the Milner home. lO. - Fres hmen-Sophomorc debate. Fres hmen win. Fido Rhodes returns to Morrilton. ll.-Exnms! Freshmen defeat Midge t s in basketball. 12.-B,.other B. F. Rhodes preaches . l 3.-Skinny Colson, Jack Bell and Roy Gentry leave for Florida where they will s pend the holidays. l4 .-Lyceum-Schuberts Quartet. Boys visit girls' dormitory. J5.-M. C. Ledbetter leaves for Tennessee. J6.-"A Dream that Came T,·uc" given by Dramatic Club. l7.- Midgets defeat Freshmen in baeketball. Boys stay up all night to visit Bob and Homer, who left th e foll owing day. 1S.-Junior s and Seniors defeat Midge t s. 19.-Chr istmas dinner a t the College Clu b. 20 .- Last day of school before holidays . 21.-Students and teachers leave for home. 22-January 2.-Holidays. JANUARY :3.- Back again. Few new face r.; . 4.- Work r esumed. 5.-Lyceum-scientific lectu re. Jack Sma rt has a lame ankle. G.- Reba and Ruby Tuttl e return. Huber t Wadley enters school. 7.-Basketball game with Russell ville Aggies . S.-Annual contest closes. Mrs. Hens ley entertain s the ladi es of the fac; - ul ty . lO.- Lonni e and Orville Etheridge ente r school. l3.- Lillian Ardrey goes to the city hospital for an operation. l4.-Harding defeats Teachers' College in basketball , 36-33. l5.- Mr. Willi s Rhodes entertains g roup of College people with a rook party. 16.-Brother L. K. Harding visits hi s s ister , Mrs. J. N. Armst rong. l7.- Louie Plummer, Ralph Welch and Fred Morr is are late to breakfast and find doors locked. l S.-Mary Taylor r eturn s. 19.- Hardin g defeated by Teachers' Coll ege in basketball. 20 .-Girl's honor roll revi sed. Who's on first? 21.-Mrs. J. N. Armstrong entertain s Pathfinder Club. 22 .-Sophomore class entertai ns in chapel. 23 .- Some few miss their dat es because they forgot to r egiste r. 24 .- Rain! Rain! 25.-New boi ler arrives . 26.-Jack Bell and Bob McClure are able to be over fo r socia l hour once more. 27.-Siste r Armst rong is doctor. Everybody receives their dose as they leave the dining hall. Pafl e one Imndl'ed seven