1926-1927 Yearbook

: 29.-Scroggin Hall boys entertain girls of J ennie Hill Hall with a Hallowe'en party. NOVEMBER l.-Freshmen and Sophomore Hi gh go to the mountains. 3.-Lyceum. 4.-Pep meeting and parade for game the 5th. Miss Craven's bobs her hair . 5.-Bisons vs. College of Ozarks. We lose 19-0. 6.-Jack Bell and Nevlyn Bishop return from their hike to Clarksville to see the game. S.-Oakley Murphy receives a letler from Kansas . 10.- Trail Makers enjoy sunrise breakfast. l1.-Holiday, football game with Arkadelphia. Number of faculty members go to teachers' meeting at Little Rock. l2.-1IIiss Gola Sanderson visits her brolher, L. O. la.-Miss Addie D. Tankel'sley visils f ri ends in H. C. Joe Morgan is under the care of the nurse. 14.-Mr. and Mrs. John T. Glenn ente rtain number of the lady teachers. l6.-Jack Smart stays home to sleep. l7.-Photos made for the annual. Pep meeting and parade. lS.-Bisons vs. Muleriders. 0-2I. In.-George Claus is ill. Julia Allen r elurns after visiting with home folks. 20.-Pl'ofessol' Epperson delivers a speech on "locomotives", "frogs" and Hbeans". Expression class goes on hike. 2I.-John T. Glenn preaches opening sermon for Thanksgiving meeting. 22.-Mr. J. O. Garrett preaches. 23.-Ruby Singleton entertains Herberl Barber during social hour. 24 .-Number of visitors arrive to spend Thanksgiving with Harding friends. 25.-Doyal Bland visits friends. Bisons defeated by Subiaco. Mr . I-larding McCaleb arrives. 2B.-Classes dmll after so much celebralions. ~7 . -Mr. L. R. Wilson visits his wife. ~9 .-Harvey Milner and party enjoys an outing on Petit Jean. 30.-W. H. C. Club gives program in chapel. DECEMBER I.- Ruth Hanley and Mary Taylor get into a barrel hoop and have to be he lped out by Miss Benefield . 2.-College Quartet broadcasts from Hot Springs. 3.-Mr. H. McCaleb makes hi s mother a gift of a Ford touring car. Play given by Dramatic Club. Carnival given 1::", the Freshmen. 4.-Literary program given by the students. B.-Skinny Colson is the proud possessor of a Chevrolet car . 7.-Mr. McCaleb makes a talk in chapel. Pu!/e one hundred five