1926-1927 Yearbook

LOCAL STUDENTS By no means an insignificant element in the s tudent body of Ilarding- Collcge is the loca l student group. Rep resenlatives from this group are round in every department. Several of the fine arl~ students, some of the most enlhusiastic alhletic leaders, a large num eer of the comme rcial studenls and lhose attending the training school are residen ts of Mordlon. Many of the boarding studenl ~ would like to be in the local group if they could bring their families here too; but, on the other hand, those of the local group visit at the dormitor ies occasicnally and who share in the club work and other activities. often expl ex!; a des ire to be in "an entirely ~'c: h o ol atmosphere" for a while. As a whole there seems to be a elm'er relation and co-operation Letwee n lhese two g roups lhis year than ever berOle. For the school to do its best lhis sp; rit mu st ce rostere:l and encou raged. Paye nillcty-ci{Jitt