1926-1927 Yearbook

\\·ILBUH COLSOl'( ALMA Ro.,cII JACK SMAHT . ALICE NOHIlIS IlEHMAN \\'ILSON PfAHL LATIIA~I .. EUGENE 1I1GIITOWEH MUHHELL TODD REBA TUTTL~; .. DOHOTIIY MCQUIDDY KENNETII DAHT THENE BEVELHYMER CAHMEL W AHFIELD . LEROY HARBIN ..... DORA MAE DUNAWAY , T HE ' BUl';i ness Manager Reporter Athletic Editor Reporter .. . Report€!' .. Exchange Editor Editor-i n-Chief Business ::\ianag-e J' Heporter Circu la tion Manager .. Exchange Editor ......Associate Editor Associate Editor .Reporter Reporter E,·erything must ha,·c a beginning. so "The Skeeter," our college paper. had its beginning in September , 1926. It is published monthly by the students of Ha rding College. As you will obsen·e thie paper deri,'ed its name from a pest that once infested parts of Arkansas, but it is now practically exti nct around Morrilton. Tnle to life' The Skeeter" is a very busy cr eature buzzi ng around, wa~chil1g, listening, and telling what he has seen and heard. You will find him in chapel. on the campue, in the recept ion hall, at the club, and in the t1aS'rooms. So you must keep on the watch, or he may hea l' something. All in all "The Skeeter" is a good college paper, and we expect to make it even better. Paf/ e lIincty - t l["O