1926-1927 Yearbook

GIRLS' GLEE CLUB LILLIAN ARDREY BEUNAH SCHRADER 81'1I«,L BIlAIlBZON DOROTHY MCQUIDDY R UTII SIIOPTAW MRS. ORIE CAT II CART STELLA MA llS"ALL MAllY ED ITH F ISHER ELA MENDE IIALL PEARL LATH .\M LOI S MATTHEWS GIVA STIlIPLING R UBY AOAMS LOIS STARNES RUTH TI ANLEY CAHMEL WARF IELD The Girls' Glee Club was organized at the first of the yea r with Miss Ben field ae director, but the last term of sc hool it ceased to function as a se parate and distinct l-ody. It was merged into the cast of "The Merry Milkmaids," a thrce act operetta by Charles Gabriel, which was given as the closing entertainment. Cnder the direction of Miss Exene Benefi eld and Mrs. J. N. Armstrong it proved to be a most attractive and enjoyab le program. The production had an intel'esting plot, and afforded an opportunity for much fine solo work and special group s inging. The large chorus with orchestra accompaniment was a source of great pleasu re to music lovers.