1926-1927 Yearbook

: >~ ORCHESTRA The orchestra is one of the bcst HClvertising ca rd s of the college. During- the pa~L summer vacation the members made a five-weeks' tOlll' thrcughout the state and across into Missouri paying all their expenses and paying some on the cost of instruments furnished by the school from the proceeds of programs and concerts. This trip was made under the direction of Professor Orr. Direction of the orehe,tra is no\\" under Professor Tven H. Henslev and his \\"Ife. Pmfessor Hensley has benn for four years a leader of a band in Abilene Christian College. Il e has played the clarinet for t\\"ell"e yea rs . lie has played in the municipal band of the ,chool at Boulder, Colorado. and aleo in the orchestra of the l'nil"crsity of Colorado. He has also had experience in playing the ba",oon and b:lI·itone. Mrs. Hensley is an accomplished ,·iolinist. See has taught "iolin six years in Abilene Christian Coll ege. She is now instructor of dolin in Harding. Although old member" have dropped out from last year, new members have been added to the roll. The orchestra has sho\\"n wonderful development and progress and eac h of its progr[lms ha" received hea rty welcome and applause from the student body and faculty. The orchestra has had a full program of hard \\"ork for the yea r. II has furnished entertainment between aels of three plays for the different girls" clubs a nd has helped with the mu sic of the operetta. "The Merry Milk Maids." A ve ry successfu l recital was given May 21. The Harding College OrchestJ"a is one of the most "aluable and active student organizations and the school is pr",ud of it. Page eighty-nine