1925-1926 Yearbook

PETIT 0EAN Scroggin Club Scroggin lI all has bee n HUed to its capac ity this yea l'. Professo r Kcrchevillc ha s roome<i with the b'Jys and ha s frequenUy shared in their fun. The Student Council, organized by the boys, has been the governing body. Offendcl 's were sumllloned before the executive cOlllmittee and tri ed in a jus t manner, being con - victed 01' acquitted, prai sed 01' punished as the committee saw best. Anyone is allowed to appea l to the council fro lll the committc(" s ve rdict if he deems that he has been unjustly dea lt with. The counci l is ideal for t he development of self-govern ing initiative. , , fJ4