1925-1926 Yearbook

PETIT JEAN The College Male Qua rtet The College Ma le Qual'tet, und er the dil'('(:tion of 1\11'. Lloyd O. Sanderson, has, as always before, proved to be a l'eni asset to our Hdlool, both in providing en te l'luinment fol' local affairs and in effectively advertising the school while on their numerous trips to other Al'kl:lll sas cities. Throug h apPl'cciution of t he high class of ente rtainment which they always give, the Morrilton ch::lpter of thc Ki wan is I ntemationai thi s yea r gave them honorary members hip to the club. The personnel of the organization is t.he ~amc as of the Coll ege Quartet of '24 and '25, with the exception of a change in basso. W. C. Tester ha s assumed the role fO I'. IlIcrly taken by Adlai S. Croom. The positioll!-l of first and second leno : are ably filled rc:; pectively by Ra ymond II azlet, with the high nightingalt, voice, and Ll oyd O. Sander- ~on, with hi s power and quality. Tht, harmony i~ comp lete when Roy Harr is joins in, (lI 'olling out his measures of baritone. '1''''' COLLF.G" QU I NTWr With the addition of Leo Ackel's (lenor) to the quartet, we have a qu intet of which we ca n ju stly be proud. The cl imax of the year':,; work in this line was the program bI'Oa<i <:mit from 1I0t Spl'ings, the s u(;(;e sf.> of wh ich was attested by the showers of telegrams, letters, and cards from all parts of the nation which the boys received. . , D2